Month: May 2023


Where does the Australian pelican live?

Australian  pelicans are found throughout Australia except in the central desert area. They like to be near the sea, rivers and some land.

How do baby pelicans survive?

Until the baby pelicans grow lager, they are unable to eat the food directly from their parents  bills.

What do pelicans look like?

Pelicans look like a huge waterbird with very broad wings,long neck, and large bill that gives the head a unique, large shape


ANZAC Biscuits

Last Thursday we were discussing ANZAC cookies. In World War 1 in 1915, women baked a recipe for delicious biscuits that could be stored for a long time, while they went to the soldiers far far away. The ingredients are butter,  flour, baking soda, golden syrup and coconut. When I picked up my ANZAC cookie and looked at it, it looked like a round banana cake and flat and round like a pancake. Then I went to smell it. It smelled like sweet chocolate chip cookies. Then I felt it. It felt rough and crispy. Then I finally tasted it and it tasted as crunchy as a sweet chip.